Thursday, February 18, 2010


Students at Johns Hopkins peacefully protest the man who authorized torture in the Bush Administration.

We win the war on terror by being as brave as our military, to die for our freedoms and ideals, not to sacrifice them the minute there is some statistical possibility of our own demise. Whatever happened to "Give me liberty or give me death!" If we succumb to the fear that the terrorists are trying to make us feel then they win.

"I believe prostitution is completely wrong for America and my family but...

...if someone sends me a free escort, I will definitely bang her, because I mean come on, you're just not going to turn down a free prostitute. Did I mention it was free?" - Congressional Republicans on the stimulus.

Look, obviously the stimulus has ruined the American economy.  And taking this money, according to Republican economic theory will only hurt their districts in the long run, "a sugar high" says the American Enterprise Institute.

If you don't believe in the program fine, I salute you.  Stick to your principles and don't take the money with a big smile on your face and take credit for the jobs it created.  Remember this money is really bad for America.  Unless you were prepared to cut spending AND raise taxes then you are a Keynesian regardless of your party!  A stimulus of all tax cuts (proposed by Republicans in late 2008 / early 2009) would still have been Keynesian stimulus!