Hey Everybody, with Rep. Ryan's plan and the President announcing his plan. I thought I would propose my own plan to fiscal sanity. The Ernie plan couples liberal ideas with conservative ideas and none of these things will pass without the other attached to it, the goodies for both parties are only enforced if the others become law. Again, as fake president I veto any bill that only has one side of the equation.
- Conservative idea - Cut taxes for current tax brackets by 5% with the current top rate for those making over $379,000 at 30%. (Currently at 35%)
- Liberal idea - In order to get those tax cuts for the new American (upper) middle class add 3 more brackets to compensate for the new economic reality of those who have multi-million dollar salaries.
- 40% tax bracket for taxable income over $750,000
- 45% tax bracket for taxable income over $1,500,000
- 48.5% tax bracket for taxable income over $3,000,000
Now remember, a person who makes $3M pays the same amount taxes on their first $16,000 as the person who makes $16,000. So if a person made $3,000,001 a year, under the Ernie plan they would only pay a 48.5% rate on the $1 that they earned above the bracket.
Conservative idea - Strongly cut corporate taxes. I would cut the corporate rate from 35% to 15%.
Liberal idea - close all of the BS corporate loopholes and get rid of any tax subsidies and credits to those firms who are extremely healthy and making massive profits.
Crazy Ernie idea - tie a reduction in corporate taxes to either direct domestic hiring statistics (tailored to company size of course) or the percentage of domestic research & development investment by said corporation. "The more you invest in America, the more America will invest in you." Companies that show strong investment in domestic production and hiring could receive a corporate rate as low as 5%.
Primer for next idea, there are those who only make money off of stocks and bonds and such - these are called capital gains. Capital gains were taxed between 20 and 28% under Bill Clinton, with the Bush tax cuts they are now at 15%. Warren Buffett famously said "I pay less in taxes as a share of my income (15%) than my secretary (mix of 10-30%)."
Crazy Ernie idea - Capital gains tax for those with incomes under $100K will be 0%. After 100K, capital gains tax will be taxed at the person's marginal tax rate. For example, for 2011 Ernie was taxed at 10%, 15%, and 25%, but my marginal rate was something like 17.2% when all was said and done. So if I made more than 100K this year my capital gains tax would be 21.1% (It is currently 15%)
Lemme know what you think!