Don't let anyone fool you, at the core of the opposition to gay marriage is intense heterosexual guilt surrounding sex as a recreational act.
This debate was never about marriage per se. This was always about sex. Because of our cultural attitude towards sex the only realm where sex could take place without shame and humiliation is of course, after marriage in the attempts to make a baby. That's it. And don't try and tell yourself that there's any dogmatic underpinnings to the "fostering the unitive bond between husband and wife" that's all boo-shit as they say on "The Wire." That sentiment was made up by American Protestants who are always looking for new ways to water down dogma so they can tell themselves that they are still getting into heaven. Just an update, it doesn't look good for any of us...
The truth is for many Americans, babies are the ultimate moral cleanser washing away all that nasty that created them in the first place. That's why the SCOTUS decision legalizing sodomy in Lawrence v. Texas was so important. It's not that Texas wasn't upholding and enforcing its anti-sodomy laws. It's that Texas was enforcing its anti-sodomy laws unfairly by only prosecuting homosexual activity and not heterosexual sodomy.
Because by definition homosexual intercourse cannot be procreative, gays do not have access to their sexual "immorality" eraser! They have no biological progeny to somewhat justify the fact that they had sex FOR FUN! THIS is the real reason why people oppose gay marriage. It's because they believe that marriage and specifically procreation is the gate for socially and morally acceptable sex.
Unfortunately for opponents of same-sex marriage, equal rights do not have to meet some generic idea of what a "moral" sexual act is. Over time brave gay and lesbian members of our society have come out, and we've seen up close very loving spouses and extremely capable parents. Denying gay American citizens the right to marry (and all the federal benefits that come with it) just because they can't biologically produce a baby to mollify our own collective shame about sex is the height of absurdity.
And remember, Jesus is watching you ALL THE TIME!
Happy unitive bonding!
Hello world!
7 months ago
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