This is what happens to dealmaking when the terrorist wants to kill the hostage regardless. No ransom is high enough. President Obama's "grand bargain" deficit deal is "indefensible" for House Republicans, even though it's to the right of the Gang of Six bi-partisan group in the Senate.
Look, we all know what needs to be done.
- Eliminate tax loopholes and superfluous exemptions in exchange for lowering the corporate and income tax rates generally. I'm looking at you yacht depreciation write-off! (Gang of Six / Obama proposals)
- Raise the Medicare eligibility age from 65 to 67 in slow, steady increases over 5 years with reasonable exemptions for people that actually
work do physical labor for a living (like coal mining and firefighting).
- Spend some immediate funds on INFRASTRUCTURE - we're still in a recession people. Unemployment in the construction market is roughly 22%, borrowing costs are at historically low rates (Unless House Republicans blow up the economy due to the fact that President Obama won't let them personally steal DeShawn's breakfast from him "Because that's MY HARD EARNED MONEY!!!"), and those construction workers will end up - yes that's right - buying some stuff which will grow the economy and reduce our deficit.
- But I'm sick of the "Jobs, Jobs, Jobs" Congress, because they've actually been the "abortion, unions, deficit" Congress and have achieved absolutely jack.