He is officially useless. Against a proposal he championed as Democratic Vice-Presidential nominee in 2000 and supported most recently 3 months ago. Senate Democrats would be better off just giving concessions to Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins. Just give Maine a couple million dollars or healthcare jobs and be done with it. It accomplishes three main goals.
1. Screwing Joe Lieberman by not stroking his ego. Let him be the little bitter man who's pissed off that no one was interested in him in 2004 and had a challenge from the left and lost his party's nomination in 2006. If he wants to be a Republican, he can be one.
2. Instead of passing a healthcare bill with "just Democrats" you get to say that you passed the bill with "bipartisan support."
3. Maine is a much better state than Connecticut, by a long shot.
Look, usually I'm not into the kinds of people who kick out moderates of their party. I think it's a strategy that is incredibly stupid in the long term. However, Joe was a moderate before this recent shift to the right. Back in 2000, Joe was always hawkish on foreign policy and law and order issues (i.e. drugs and censorship) and a fairly standard middle class liberal on domestic policy (healthcare, union jobs, higher minimum wage, etc.) He is no longer that man and the sad thing is, is that it appears that he's doing it just because he's upset. I don't think you do that dramatic a shift in 3 months when you're not up for re-election.
Court Snowe and Collins and if you get Lieberman on-board next year, that's just another junior Republican Senator on board.
Hello world!
6 months ago
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