You heard me!
Senate Dems are afraid of holding a vote on the Obama administration's policy of continuing the Bush tax cuts for "middle-class Americans" making less than $250,000 per year because some "conserv-a-dems" are afraid of appearing to raise taxes on small business.
As a recent study suggested, ending the Bush tax cuts altogether at the end of this year WOULD BALANCE THE BUDGET BY 2015! Let's see if Republicans want to take a bite out of that apple. In any case, a majority of Americans support the middle approach advocated by the Obama administration which advocates tax cuts for the middle class over 10 years.
(Note: Ernie actually supports the compromise advocated by former OMB director, Peter Orszag that all of the Bush tax cuts should be extended for two years in-full and then fully expire.)
However, even though a majority of Americans support the Obama administration's proposal Dems are afraid of taking a tough vote that would appear to raise taxes on some segment of the population. I have respect for Republicans because at least they play to win!
Dems need to find their plums if they want any chance at holding the House and Senate. They'll get votes if they lead with purpose not if they just seem to cover their ass every chance they get!
Hello world!
7 months ago
I don't appreciate the foul language on this site.