Saturday, November 14, 2009

Neocons are just weak nerds who wish they were dumb bullies

KRISTOL: I was very struck also by Janet Napolitano’s comment, I hadn’t read it before to see her say that, that the number one priority is to bring him to justice is such a knee-jerk comment and such a stupid comment. He’s going to be brought to justice. He is not going to be innocent of murder. There are a lot of eyewitnesses to that. They should just go ahead and convict him and put him to death.
Here's Bill Kristol advocating that the United States just skip the trial of Nidal Hasan and put him to death already. I find it incredibly interesting that these types of guys find themselves to be so macho. They've advocated the bombing of Iran and further confrontation with North Korea. They find no limits to the use of military power and why should they? They are just weak nerds who would never have the balls to put their own lives on the line. Believe me, if Bill Kristol were in Fort Hood or being held by terrorists he would convert to Islam before you finished this sentence.

There are no consequences to their rhetoric because they've never had to face a bully or a terrorist and I believe that they live vicariously through their own foreign policy ideology. They get to fight the bully (whatever imagined bully that is) without facing the consequences of their own demise. And to kick it all off, they put in harm's way all the dumb fucks who pushed them around and fucked their girlfriends, because they were busy studying Machiavelli's The Prince.

I've forgiven my bullies, I have no complex about winning wars and putting people to death just so I can feel like a strong man. I want my bullies to be as safe as possible. I don't want these guys dying for something that isn't strategically important to the security and safety of the United States. I don't think Bill Kristol, Charles Krauthammer, Hugh Hewitt and the like have gotten over their insecurities of being weak nerds, they should just embrace it and start wearing their helmets when they ride their bikes.

Nidal Hasan should be put to death for his crimes. But we are a nation of laws and we show the strength of our democracy not by carrying out the sentencing of the verdicts juries render, but by the fact that we give every criminal, no matter how depraved their crimes, a full and fair trial with a fully funded defense.

We win the war on terror by not becoming them. We eat bacon cheeseburgers, we smoke pot, we let our girlfriends and wives go to work and make more money than us, we let gays marry, we make fun of our leaders and we make fun of our country but we ALWAYS uphold the Constitution, regardless of how painful it might be.

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