Have you ever read the theory of Freudian Projection? When I saw the chart below it made me think of it. Basically Freud said that we project our own neuroses or problems onto others or the outside world at large. In essence, the things that we are most mad at in ourselves we blame on outside forces.
Whenever I catch family or friends do this I call them Hector Projector. For example, Jillian Michaels from NBC's the Biggest Loser is defintely a Hector Projector, she hates the fat and lazy person inside of her and that's what she hates in others. Is the average American family being a hector projector about the deficit? Click above at the debt as a share of GDP for the American Household on the left and then look at Government Debt on the right.
Hat tip to The New York Times for the chart. If you want to read the article, click here.
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