Monday, March 29, 2010

Treading water

Unless Mitt Romney can be proud of his signature accomplishment in Massachusetts which is his Affordable Care Act (ACA), a conservative free-market solution to provide health insurance to people, he's just not going to make sense.

I'll say it again, Mitt Romney is the Republicans' strongest contender for President in 2012. The question is, can he survive the Republican primary from a party that's still searching for what it stands for post-2008?

I hope it's the Governor Mitt Romney party that wins, but my gut says that the people want it to be the Candidate Mitt Romney party. Governor Mitt Romney won't be able to win the Republican primary because of his success on healthcare and his Mormonism, which many conservative evangelicals deem to be "not Christian."

UPDATE: Daniel Gross has an interesting article on Mitt Romney's legitimate expertise to become the national healthcare implementation czar (a hypothetical position). To read the article on click here.

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