Monday, March 1, 2010

The beautiful end of white / black culture

This week the girls of Zeta Tau Alpha, a sorority comprised of mostly white members from the University of Arkansas won the 2010 Sprite Step-Off a.k.a.The National Stepping Championship in Atlanta, Georgia.  Just watch how the largely black audience is totally eating up their performance. We are still a racially polarized society, but stuff likes this makes it more and more evident that at least for our generation and those younger than us, the culture and racial wars are largely over and irrelevant.

In case you weren't aware, stepping is an African-American version of cheerleading prominent in high school (and some collegiate) basketball and football games and is heavily used in the Greek system as an initiation practice.  Here's a more offical definition from Wikipedia.

Stepping or step-dancing is a form of percussive dance in which the participant's entire body is used as an instrument to produce complex rhythms and sounds through a mixture of footsteps, spoken word, and hand claps. Though stepping may be performed by an individual, it is generally performed by groups of three or more, often in arrangements that resemble military formations.

For a more eloquent discussion of this event and its cultural impact on the black community, read this article from


  1. You that after this happened there was an uproar and calls to have white teams banned, right? And that they suddenly changed the rules/scoring in order to make it a tie for first place?

  2. I know Liz, that's why I linked to the "calm down" story at I think that overall this is a good thing. Imagine how Canada would have felt if Trinidad & Tobago won the Olympic hockey tournament!
