Amazingly, the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell will probably be brought to the Senate floor sometime in the near future (probably today or tomorrow). It's time for us to join our allies like Great Britain and Israel in the makeup of their armed forces. Like the addition of black soldiers and women soldiers, this will only make our force stronger and make our country safer.
Remember, gays are already in the military. They are just lying about it to their co-workers. And considering that most of the men and women in combat are 18-25, they are from our generation and they most likely have good "gay-dar." They already know that they work with gay servicemembers and it's not a big deal. There will be no "coming out" en masse as predicted. The only thing repeal will do is give a sizeable minority of our troops the ability to be themselves without worrying about being fired from the job they love and denied the opportunity to serve the country they love.
We owe them that much.
Please call your Senator to support repeal.
UPDATE: Please call Senator Scott Brown (R-MA) to thank him for his support at (202) 224-4543.
Hello world!
7 months ago
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