Today marked the first day that "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" was officially repealed. A Clinton-era compromise (Republicans and centrist Democrats didn't want gay men and women serving in the military at ALL) that allowed gay people to serve in the military starting in the early 90s, DADT has utterly failed to make the military more stable, us safer, and cost the U.S. government millions of dollars in lost investment in trained personnel and more importantly the loss of tens of thousands of brave men and women who were willing to fight and die on behalf of our country.
This is indeed an historic moment; one that gets close to Truman's achievement of desegregating the Army in the 1950s. So here comes the mass moral decay of our country and the dissolve of unit cohesion, right? Watch the video below of a current U.S. soldier being unburdened by just telling the truth about who he is.
My favorite moment -
Soldier: "Do you want to tell Mom for me?
Dad: Laughter..."I don't believe so..."
Hello world!
7 months ago
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