So while I was gone in merry 'ol England, a tornado whipped through my neighborhood of Park Slope, Brooklyn on Thursday, September 16th. Don't worry, no babies or children were harmed during the making of this tornado.
However, I returned to the states to find this on my way home.
Crazy, huh? I missed a TORNADO in New York! Unfortunately, I was only able to snap an "after" picture. With the help of my trusty girlfriend she directed me to a Gawker post that shows us the "right after."
Obama's campaign arm "Organizing for America" asked people to fill out a survey to gauge voter feelings before the midterm. Here's what I wrote them:
I am a big supporter of President Obama. I think he has been a pragmatic reformer who is moving the country in the right direction. What he needs to do however, is reclaim his transformational presidency.
I am thankful for his Clintonian successes and Joe Biden was correct when he said healthcare reform was a "BFD" but I want him to be the transformational figure I still believe HE IS. I want him and his staff on the phone with moderate Republicans all the time. I want him to use his personal emotional talent behind the scenes. Americans want the sense that Congress can work together for the benefit of the country.
Republicans have been absolute a-holes in this regard, but we knew that would be the case going in. I still want the President to work toward a Capitol Hill that at least seems like it's functioning. He can do it. That's why I voted for him. He needs to reclaim that mantle. Otherwise OFA is just an extension of the Democratic Party, and that's great (and it fights for the things I believe in), but I think we all know the change we sought is something much, MUCH deeper. Let's GO do it!
Senate Dems are afraid of holding a vote on the Obama administration's policy of continuing the Bush tax cuts for "middle-class Americans" making less than $250,000 per year because some "conserv-a-dems" are afraid of appearing to raise taxes on small business.
As a recent study suggested, ending the Bush tax cuts altogether at the end of this year WOULD BALANCE THE BUDGET BY 2015! Let's see if Republicans want to take a bite out of that apple. In any case, a majority of Americans support the middle approach advocated by the Obama administration which advocates tax cuts for the middle class over 10 years.
However, even though a majority of Americans support the Obama administration's proposal Dems are afraid of taking a tough vote that would appear to raise taxes on some segment of the population. I have respect for Republicans because at least they play to win!
Dems need to find their plums if they want any chance at holding the House and Senate. They'll get votes if they lead with purpose not if they just seem to cover their ass every chance they get!
This is what happens when you try to balance your budget during a devastating economic recession. This is not punditry, this is truth.
Ernie analogy - When you've had a massive heart attack, and you're in the hospital and you need expensive surgery but can't afford it, go ahead and put it on your credit card. Don't wait to save up for the needed surgery, because by the time you do, you'll be dead. You'll have a better chance of making the surgery payments if you're alive.
In an era where we need to make a lot of big, tough decisions concerning the deficit, it's nice to know that there are some small measures we can take to help that aren't subject to the dominant political forces of our time. We can take these small steps only if we're smart enough to take the low hanging fruit.
"A penny saved is time wasted" - George Carlin
"Things that are worthless are worth nothing and pennies are worth less than nothing!" - guy in video
William Saletan of hits the nail on the head concerning religious nutbags and collective responsibility for those nutbags, be they Christian or Muslim.
One of my favorite critiques of then Senator Obama during the 2008 Presidential Campaign was, "All that guy can do is give a good speech! You know who gave good speeches and had lots of people listen to him? HITLER!!!!"
Ah yes, the "the only thing that politician knows how to do is speak!" argument. Classic. The argument poses that 1.) These promises will all be broken anyway and 2.) Past actions are a much better indicator of leadership than speaking! There are two ways we can judge candidates: by their records and by their plans for the future. Now unless you would like to read through all of the policy memos by the Obama administration on agriculture subsidies or the full detail of nuclear defense policy on Mitt Romney's future Presidential website (he's totally running), I'll take a speech that summarizes those policy goals please.
Now watch Governor Jan Brewer (R-AZ) in her opening statement for the Arizona Governor debates.
Even if you agree with her on every policy, in your gut do you feel like voting for her after that? Probably not.
Speeches and opinion articles are ways for politicians to summarize their plans for their office and in order for us to either agree or disagree with their ideas (which likely don't vary much from their party's ideas). We judge politicians by how they communicate with us and try to win us with their arguments and ideas. A good speaker can solidify the people in his base. A great speaker can win moderates and heck, even perhaps people from the other political party. In short, public speaking matters. Our presidents will be men and women who can communicate their ideas clearly and with brevity and intellect.
I'll never forget the day when my dad brought me to Westover Airforce Base to say thank you to the troops returning from the Iraq-Kuwait war a.k.a. Operation Desert Storm. It meant a lot just to say thank you for all of the risks those young men and women took just to keep us safe in the world.
Thanks to the Obama administration and the Bush administration, as of today most our troops are finally coming home from Iraq as Operation Iraqi Freedom has ended! (Trust me, if it was a McCain administration, that deadline would have vanished faster than Bill Clinton into a strip club.)
Here are some various organizations to help you say thanks to our brave men and women in uniform. The ones below span from donating your frequent flyer miles or volunteering at a welcome event at BWI. Either way, find a way to donate some money or volunteer your time just to say "thanks".
My name is Dave and I have an avid interest in observing politics both local and national. I absolutely love comedy. My favorite comedians at the moment are Lewis Black, Eugene Mirman and Jim Gaffigan. I also love music. I studied opera at college and love classical music and jazz. Every now and again I like relaxing and drinking beers while being in the company of good, fun people.