Obama's campaign arm "Organizing for America" asked people to fill out a survey to gauge voter feelings before the midterm. Here's what I wrote them:
I am a big supporter of President Obama. I think he has been a pragmatic reformer who is moving the country in the right direction. What he needs to do however, is reclaim his transformational presidency.
I am thankful for his Clintonian successes and Joe Biden was correct when he said healthcare reform was a "BFD" but I want him to be the transformational figure I still believe HE IS. I want him and his staff on the phone with moderate Republicans all the time. I want him to use his personal emotional talent behind the scenes. Americans want the sense that Congress can work together for the benefit of the country.
Republicans have been absolute a-holes in this regard, but we knew that would be the case going in. I still want the President to work toward a Capitol Hill that at least seems like it's functioning. He can do it. That's why I voted for him. He needs to reclaim that mantle. Otherwise OFA is just an extension of the Democratic Party, and that's great (and it fights for the things I believe in), but I think we all know the change we sought is something much, MUCH deeper. Let's GO do it!
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