Hi Everybody,
I forgot to mention when we hit our one year anniversary on July 24th 2010, so I figured I would do some sort of announcement when we hit one-thousand pageviews. Well that moment has arrived and I wanted to thank you all for checking out and reading this blog from time to time. I want to thank my blogging colleague Mike Flynn, 1) for being my friend, but 2) for starting his blog at the same time and being a constant source of input as well as inspiration. If you haven't checked out his work at Pale Thunder, you're all missing out on some great informal movie reviews and political commentary.
I also want to thank my three readers who have been with me since the beginning; Adam, Colum, and Gram. Adam, thank you for your sarcastic input and conservative wit. You keep me on my toes! Colum, it's the happiest part of my blogging day when I see that I have one person reading my blog in England and I know that that person is you! And Gram, thanks for your constant love and support, I hope that my crossing the line here has not upset you on too many occasions!
But overall, thanks to everyone who's checked Ernie Crossing the Line out. Please feel free to write me and write more comments in this space. I look forward to having more reader input and will try to do better at putting up more media and commentary on comedy and music. Also, don't forget to check out blogs of friends which can be found on the right of the page. Their topics range from the subtleties of enjoying Waffle House, to movie reviews, to governance issues in contemporary Africa. There's something for absolutely everyone.
Again, thank you for reading and we hope to keep you entertained for another 1,000 pageviews!
Dave (Ernie)
Hello world!
7 months ago
Aw, thanks for the shout-out!